Please review and email your child's speech therapist.
Speech Language Therapy
Speech and Language therapy is provided by many speech language pathologists in our district.
If you have any questions regarding your child's speech-language therapy, please contact their speech language pathologist through email.
Ashley Anderson, MS, CCC-SLP
Holly Heights School
Mrs. Anderson's Speech and Language Activities
Elementary Remote Learning Activities
(856) 389-6605
Megan Fawley, MS, CCC-SLP
Child Family Center
Silver Run Elementary School
Preschool Remote Learning Activities
Elementary Remote Learning Activities
(609) 666-2821
Maureen Ferrucci, MS, CCC-SLP
Silver Run Elementary
Elementary Remote Learning Activities
(856) 200-8160
Melissa Flynn, MA, CCC-SLP
Lakeside Middle School
Memorial and Senior High School
Lakeside, Memorial, & Senior Remote Learning Activities
Resources at Millville Library
(856) 413-5178
Debra Hayes, MS, CCC-SLP
Mt. Pleasant, Bacon, and Rieck Ave. Schools
Elementary Remote Learning Activities
(856) 413-5327
Rieck Avenue Elementary School
Miss. Kelley's Remote Learning Activities
(Please check link weekly for updated activities)
(856) 362-4810
Lori Noble, MS, CCC-SLP
Child Family Center
Courtney Robbins
Child Family Center
Preschool Remote Learning Activities
(856) 362-4844
Jamie Sorin
Child Family Center
Rieck Avenue School